The real estate as a business: from the “land-rents” to a strategic investment. The forerunners of the new culture of the integrated real estate worldwide consulting.
To guarantee, at an international level, to customers, employees and partners a value added superior to their expectations thanks to excellent performances provided by expert multidisciplinary teams with a common goal: the success of the client’s business.
Adhering to the highest professional standards, our approach is made of skills, ideas, insight, research and innovation for the best customer satisfaction through a “360-degree management” of real estate issues and the identification of the optimal solution that ensures effectiveness and efficiency in the course of time.
The inspirations behind our mission are:
Exclusivity: any advice is personalized and unique. The multidisciplinary teams study the customer needs in order to propose the right tools to individual needs with the guarantee of a real and lasting impact.
Experience: any advice is based on our professional talent worldwide available. All team members strongly believe in innovation and continuous research, improving every day their skills thanks to classroom training and active confrontation on the field.
Efficacy: any advice has always a shared solution. Expert teams play along with the customers during the transformation path of any problem into a lasting opportunity, through the sharing of specific experience and knowledge baggage.
Efficiency: any advice creates value for the customer, in respect of his economic and budget commitments.
The team of experts guarantee the highest quality and professional standards at equitable and correct values, in respect of mutual trust and business ethic.
in the services offered to the customer;
in the excellence of the results of the team‘s results;
in the flexibility of the proposed solutions.
in the passion for our work;
in the transformations offered to our customers.
Results orientation:
obtaining tangible and lasting benefits to the customer.
in the relationship with the customer;
in the approach to problems;
in offering solutions;
in the growth of talents.
Participative work environment:
has in roles and teams;
in the merit approach;
in the continuous training and interchange;
in sharing new strategies.
IL PUNTO guarantees an unique interlocutor (one stop shop) able to collect and eleborate legal, fiscal, urban-architectural, economic, financial and strategic information and transforms them into the best solution.
IL PUNTO offers an integrated real estate advice, availing itself of high qualified experts which thanks to brainstorming sessions, identify all the strong and weakness points of the possible solutions and identify a single shared result for the business success of their clients.
Starting from foreign experience, mainly American and German, and interpreting the current historical moment, IL PUNTO aggregates a pool of skills and experiences in order to be a valuable bridge between finance and real estate through a complete interlocutor even in complex and transnational operations.
IL PUNTO is a real estate consulting company in which operate young experts with international experience of high level, that ” team up”.
The company was created in 2007 from the encounter between the lawyer Antonio Campagnoli – current President of FIABCI Italy and Partner of Studio Legale LEXCC -, and IL SASSO srl and OPEN AIR srl, two family offices for over 40 years active in the real estate development and management market – together with architects, planners, engineers , mediators, and technicians.
IL PUNTO believes in the importance of the team-work, in the merger of the professionalisms available in the whole real estate company and in the strategic role of international synergies.
Nowadays, as in the past, IL PUNTO’s know-how is at the bottom of the client’s satisfaction and success, be they private investors , owners of real estate portfolios,lending institutions, insurance companies, SGR, multinationals,state and parastate entities.
In a world in constant development, this small advisory boutique becomes the perfect link between the real estate world of and the finance one.
IL PUNTO is the only Italian partner of CORFAC International – Corporate Facility Advisors Inc. worldwide leader group of real estate consultancy. (Brochure – Flyer Information). With more than 65 offices in the USA, 2,000 people employed, 10,000 real estate transactions a year and 4.7 million square meters under management, CORFAC International, international network, is present in more than 48 nations with trusted advisors that allow the customer to relate globally.
The international vision of IL PUNTO ensures the improvement of the culture of the real estate market for the benefit of the community.
Among the international associations where IL PUNTO is active you can list SIOR – Society of Industrial and Office Realtors -, IRWA – International Right of Way Association -, AI – Appraisal Institute -, CRE – The Counselors of Real Estate – e FIABCI – The International Real Estate Federation – which include among their charges, IL PUNTO’s collaborators as presidents, secretaries, past- presidents and managing board members.
IL PUNTO actively takes part – even with its stands- in the major national and international trade fairs including MIPIM, MIPIM Asia and the EXPO Real and intervenes as a speaker at national and international conferences including those of FIABCI.
The continuous training and the wide spread of the real estate culture are characteristic elements of IL PUNTO’s collaborators, who see property as a fusion of varied and complex knowledge, ranging from statistics to engineering passing through economy and law.
The Real Estate Valuers Experts Course – CEVI organised by TeMA – of which Antonio Campagnoli is codirector – is an excellent example of how the multidisciplinary of professional orders is the basis of success and growth of the sector.
There are countless ideas, books, conferences, international agreements, public observations, interviews and articles that IL PUNTO promotes and implements.
The criticality of the MBS – Mortgage Back Securities – before their collapse, the Property and Market Rating, the enterprise restructuring through real estate business plans, the observations ofthe Regulations of the Independent Administrative Authorities, such as CONSOB and Bank of Italy, mortgage minibons, crowdfunding and risk underwriting, are just some of the causes for reflection that curiosity and innovation inherent in the spirit of IL PUNTO highlighted in the past.
The promotion of international standards of excellence, such as the REV – Recognised European Valuer – of TEGoVA of which Elena Delsignore is among the first italians, is synonymous of the importance of continuous formation at all levels for IL PUNTO’s growth.
IL PUNTO, starting from the evaluation and due diligence, provides ideas, plans and growth prospects studying innovative products and anticipating market news.
In accordance with the urban and civil regulation it identifies and develops opportunities able to guarantee the investment value in the medium/long term.
It suggests the customer how to maximize profit or minimize the risk supporting him it in the whole property transformation process, from the asset retrieval to the identification of the most suitable business partner, till the complete execution of the realization works,it identifies and follows the more convenient road understanding and customizing the individual needs.
An American imprint service is the Tenant Representation one, negotiation activity in favor of a tenant, which could avail himself of an expert team able to negotiate leases, assessing affordability, alternative opportunities and costs of the choices.
However the range of services offered is much wider: from the team specialised in project management and urban development planning to the team endowed with know how in shopping centers and hotellerie field; from the experts in facility and property management group to the niche dedicated to the debt restructuring to the drafting and asseveration of revitalisation plan in the real estate range, passing through crowdfunding and mini bonds.
Nowadays, in order to complete the range of offered services and clients’ requests, IL PUNTO has developed an ad hoc activity specialized in the real estate agency.