Gro Harlem Brundtland, President of the World Commission on Environment and Development (Bruntland Commission), in the report “Our Common Future” published in 1987, defined the Sustainable development as “is a development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs“.

The unsustainability of the current environmental, economic and social development has prompted the United Nations to approve in 2015 the Agenda 2030 for Sustainable Development and the related 17 Sustainable Development Goals – SDGs.

17 Sustainable Development Goals and 169 goals that aim to respect the human rights of all and to achieve gender equality and the emancipation of all women and girls. The objectives are interconnected and indivisible and collect the three dimensions of sustainable development: the economic, social and environmental dimension.

Sustainable Mission

The mission of IL PUNTO is to contribute, through a series of ethical behaviors and choices, to the achievement of the objectives defined by the United Nations through the SDGs.

Always attentive to these issues, demonstrated by the fact that the founding partner of IL PUNTO, Enrico Campagnoli is UNECE – Real Estate Market Advisory Group (REM) delegate – of which he was President.

He is also a member of FIABCI – The International Real Estate Federation -, an association that boasts a particular status towards the United Nations, a relationship that began in 1954 and which has grown stronger over time.

Specifically, FIABCI today enjoys the Special Consultative Status with the United Nations Economic and Social Committee (Ecosoc) and participates in the United Nations Center on Human Settlements (Habitat), the forum that seeks to find solutions to housing problems in the modern world.

In 2017 the book entitled “History of FIABCI Cooperation with the United Nations” was published by Enrico Campagnoli and Danielle Grossenbacher.

Furthermore, in February 2020, IL PUNTO was co-organizer of the first Italian Urban Thinkers Campus held in Rome.

The event involved institutions, trade associations as well as economic and financial operators interested in the regeneration of real estate assets in a comparison and sharing of ideas, knowledge and solutions for the development of urban areas in line with the Sustainable Development Goals – SDGs – of the United Nations.

The event deepened, among other things, the Perception Index of the City Prosperity Initiative, the Public Private Partnership (PPP) initiatives aimed at promoting SDGs and in particular Goal 11: Sustainable cities and communities and the role of ELTIF in the European initiatives aimed at channeling savings towards long-term and infrastructural investments.

The event was also an opportunity to represent the average level of environmental sustainability of Italian urban areas, intended as a crucial junction for the development of quality of life and protection of the environment.

We therefore see ourselves personally interested in pursuing these objectives for the protection of the environment and for improving the quality of life for all.

Sustainable Vision

We follow a path of continuous improvement through the activities that we now carry out related to sustainability.

Always ready to expand our knowledge and curious to update us in a sustainable and ethical environment.

Our vision is to see us increasingly involved in the achievement, set for 2030, of the SDGs adopted by the United Nations.

Sustainable values

IL PUNTO strongly believes in the protection of the environment both in the management within the company and by ensuring compliance of its services externally.

A commitment that takes the form of daily behaviors that have the aim of minimizing the environmental impact.

The principles behind our behavior are as follows:

  • Unity: the company places the people who work there at the center of its business strategy. All subjects operating within the company are an active component of the same, each person is a fundamental resource for society.
  • Correctness: relations with customers, partners and stakeholders are based on absolute correctness and transparency, fundamental values ​​for building long-lasting relationships of trust.
  • Transparency: IL PUNTO is a transparent and open company: it promotes dialogue, comparison and communication with the outside world.

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