An architect and industrial construction expert, he has been carrying out due diligence on goods and services production activities since the 1980s. He assists building owners and company management by providing technical services concerning patrimonial and functional aspects. He complements his activities by carrying out estimative surveys (IVS).
He graduated with honours from the Milan Polytechnic and is registered with the Order of Architects and the Order of Industrial Surveyors. He also holds specialist qualifications. He works individually or as part of a team, carrying out integrated analyses and coordinated interventions for regulatory or technological adaptation of buildings and building complexes.
In workplaces, he examines the relationship between ergonomic requirements and ergonomic expectations, especially verifying general protective measures concerning collective protection. He assesses the architectural risk in workplaces, as per compulsory standards and INAIL guidelines (RAS, 19.01.23).
A fire protection professional since 1986, he considers possible emergency situations in relation to the location and conformation of buildings. He verifies active and passive protection systems for company employees and users. He analyses escape route systems and accessibility systems for rescue.
He offers his services to the Magistrates of the civil and criminal sections of the Ordinary Court of Milan, as well as to the Councillors of the Regional Administrative Court (TAR – Milan). He also undertakes assignments as a party’s technical consultant. On the sidelines of his professional activities, he has performed or performs institutional, informative and training duties.
In UNI he has participated in the work of the Commissions: Documentation and Information, Building Process and Property Maintenance. He was rapporteur for the UNI 10998:2002 standard, the first Italian technical standard to consider data room, due diligence and mandatory requirements in the real estate field.