Exclusive evening dedicated to the Bitcoin in real estate sector on November 15th at Villa di Delizie “Segnanino di San Pietro” in Bicocca district of Milan.  IL PUNTO/CORFAC Int., Metrumcoin and Raynaud Studio Legale will deepen the peculiarities, dynamics, experiences, legal and fiscal aspects of an innovative revolution, announcing perhaps a “new way to do real estate”. Current, delicate but also hot topic, the advent of virtual, electronic  money, reforms the global economic and banking mechanisms.

METRUMCOIN is the digital real estate market of new generation, that will unite b2b, b2c and c2c in the single world-wide network. It is based on blockchain technology, intelligent deals and it’s own industrial cryptocurrency, that transforms the current offline market into an “effective digital environment”.

EVENT: “Bitcoin, New Way to Do Real Estate?”
DATE: 15.11, h. 18.30 – 20.00 with Light Cocktail
LOCATION: Villa Delizia “Segnanino di S. Pietro”, Viale dell’Innovazione 2 Milan

> To request more information or to subscribe to the event, send an email to ilpunto-re@ilpunto-re.eu