
Il Giornale d’Italia devotes particular attention to the delicate theme “Equity Real Estate Crowfunding” with an interview to Antonio Campagnoli, FIABCI Italia President.

– President, what is specifically the equity real estate crowdfunding?
The equity real estate crowdfunding consists in collecting capital risk for innovative initiatives which increase the sustainability of the urban context through social initiatives that intercept the needs of society.

– What are the pros and cons of this new method?
The pro is that everyone can become “owner” of a piece of the city and that they can make its voice heard through the participation organised in the assembly of the developer. In addition, the projects so supported follow the international dictates on sustainability as well identified in the encounter of Habitat III of planetary importance happened in Quito in these days. The City we need is affordable campaign was also supported by the International Real Estate Federation – Fiabci and promoted also in Ecuador in front of the governments of the whole world. The counter can be perhaps glimpsed from those who do not believe in sharing economy as one of the natural developments of modern capitalism (the so-called the third industrial revolution with the words of Jeremy Rifkin)  -> read more

(by “Il Giornale d’Italia”)